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Google Earth error: No server connection.

Google Earth refuses to open the world map because it cannot connect to the server

fix If you are sure you have a proper internet connection, you might have to reset Google Earth, clear cache etc.
Fortunately, there is a Google Earth repair tool, that is found under the Help menu.
Unfortunately it does not tell you to close Google Earth (!), before you can run any of the options in the repair tool

Caution: Before you reset to default settings or delete "My Places" you might want to save it.
See here how to find and secure the "My places" info, which is basically a kml file that you can copy to a safe location.
If you delete "My places" through the tool it will save the original one to

The repair tool works if you :
1. Open Google Earth
2. Go to Help - Launch Repair Tool
3. !!! Close Google Earth !!!! - The Repair Tool stays open
4. Now you can try the different options
5. Hopefully one of the options helps - it did for us

this info - and many more - are also found on this Google Earth support page

Also try the Google Earth Community pages


simple kml - file

minimum kml file for placemarks

multiple placemarks in one file

defining buildings in a kml file

overlay maps on Googles Earth

watch and play route in Google Earth

GE connection error

Option A - you really don't have an Internet connection
Option B - You might have to use the GE repair tool (Help Menu)

Note: The repair tool only works, if you launch it and then close Google Earth !!


page created by M.Kölling & T.Feseker